
Backgrounds. backgrounds.

Thank you for visiting my website. Hope you’ll love all the stuff that I am creating and the styles I am using.

Latest from the Blog

This is the start

This is actually the start of my personal blogs so don’t yah blame me for some weird things you’ll see on this page. I am going to publish a post for today. Hahahhahha. I actually don’t know what to do! Why do this? Because this is a requirement of my professor. Because I just want…

Intro. intro

You might be thinking who the heck is Rusty and what is he doing here on the internet? Yes, I got it right. Did I? Hahahhahaa.. Well. I am Rusty. A 20 years old freelance graphic artist and I do commissioned works with regards in making layouts with Photoshop as the main editing software. Why…

What to Expect?

Since you came here, don’t blame me if I already expect you to expect something from me! Hahahhaa On-point. I expect you to expect to see more images edited by me specially when it comes to my anime backgrounds. If you are an individual of watching anime, hope my feeling will reach up to your…

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